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Quick Links I grew up in a small town, and lived in the same house my entire childhood, all the way up until I got married. I was a bit of tom-boy growing up - I had an older brother, and we went everywhere together. We got in trouble together numerous times, mostly because we would get ourselves dirty from being in the creek, or sloshing through puddles, or wrestling. We had good times. Going through school, I kept only a few close friends. I never was popular or anything, and I didn't really care because we all knew that we could just be ourselves, and that was good enough for everyone. Two of my closest friends in grade school remained my friends throughout highschool, and are still my friends today. We have our differences, but they only seem to help us understand each other and in the end become closer to each other. I had tons of friends in highschool. Again, I wasn't very popular, and again, I didn't really care. I tried to be friendly with anybody I ran into, and, in turn, had aquaintances with almost everyone. I've always kind of had a self-confidence issue, and high school, as well as working at Hommers, really helped me get out of my comfort zone and talk to anyone who would listen. After high school, I went to Redeemer University for one year for psychology. During that year, I unfortunately temporarily drifted away from my friends from back home. But, I did make, who is now, one of my best friends. Ashley... Even though she lives in Virginny, we have kept our friendship since that one year at Redeemer... she even made it to my wedding party. After Redeemer, I decided I didn't want to get into counseling anymore and so I took the semester off to work at Hommers. After that semester, I decided I was going to go to Brock for psychology, for a January start. I got everything set up there only to talk to my mom about office jobs and decided that doing that would be something that I would really enjoy doing. So I applied to Niagara, got my money back from Brock, and took the one-year office administration program at Niagara. It was a good decision. I enjoyed it, and I hope to do some medical transcription soon. I got married on July 12, 2008. And I am now happily married. You can hear more about that on other parts of the site. :) I guess that's pretty much me! If you want to see how much fun I have using photobooth (one of those great mac features that distracts you from everything else if you let it) then click here for some crazy photos!! :) Five things I really enjoy doing! 1. Scrapbooking